Food Science

9 Harmful effects of soft drinks on human body: The hidden truth.

harmful effects of soft drinks on human body

Harmful effects of soft drinks on human body: It’s time to be concerned.

Soft drinks are very enjoyable drinks around the world. A drink that contains carbonated water, sweetener, and a natural or artificial flavor. Soft drink is a common name, but it has regional names for both carbonated and noncarbonated beverages. Mostly they are well-known as cold drinks, energy drinks, fizzy drinks, fizzy juice, pop, soda, soda pop, tonics etc.

In 1884, a drugstore owner in Lisbon Falls in the United States made the first soft drink.  (Tahmassebi et al., 2006). Soon afterward Coca-cola and Pepsi-cola and similar products appeared industrially. As manufacturing technology and marketing strategy improve, a local pharmacy product changes into a $60 billion industry product every year.

But it is now very clear about the harmful effects of soft drinks on human body. Soft drinks contain high amounts of sugar and acid. They can cause dental caries, erosion, overweight, obesity, high risk of having type 2 diabetes.

Potential risks from the harmful effects of soft drinks on human body| Check your risks now.

There are so many harmful effects of soft drinks on human body that are related to the daily high consumption of soft drinks. Usually, soft drinks contain high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) taken from cane sugar for sweetening the product. Soft drinks are mostly referred to as sugary soda but they also include highly sweetened fruit juices, tea, coffee, and other sugary drinks.

The most common ingredients that are used in soda or soft drinks include-

  • High fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
  • Carbon-di-oxide
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Citric acid
  • Caffeine
  • Artificial colors
  • Artificial flavors.

A 12-ounce sweetened soft drink will give you 150 Calories. If not fortified, they don’t give any essential nutrition for a healthy life. Diet cola or diet drinks do not give any calories but can give you other ingredients as well. Regular and excessive drinking of soft drinks is associated with side effects that you won’t actually like.

Let’s have a look at what harmful effects of soft drinks on human body may exert.

1. Soft drinks give empty calories

Soft drinks do not supply any nutrients. They provide only sugar from high fructose corn syrup. Studies show numerous times the harmful effects of soft drinks on human body. They do not give satiety because fructose cannot lower the ghrelin hormone like glucose. Besides this, soft drinks don’t contain any fiber at all. Fiber improves satiety. For this reason, such drinks give extra calories over top of all consumed calories from solid foods.

Other than calories from sugar, soda water do not give any nutrient. Children who drink soda water usually do not drink milk or plain water. As soft drinks can not be compared with milk for nutritional value, children get fewer nutrients if they take fizzy drinks.

People who regularly consume sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) gain weight much more than those who don’t drink them regularly.  One study showed that daily one serving of soft drinks increases 60% of obesity in children.

2. Another harmful effect of soft drinks on human body as they increase the risk of metabolic syndrome.

Sugar contains two chemical products, sucrose, and fructose. Every cell of our body can metabolize glucose, but fructose is metabolized by the only liver. Excessive fructose intake turns into fat in the liver. It results in the accumulation of fat around the liver and results in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Fructose overload also can cause inflammation of liver cells. It may result in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Possible harmful effects of soft drinks on human body include liver diseases also.

Large fructose intake accumulates fat around the belly. Studies have shown fructose intake is the culprit to fat storage around the belly. In this situation, blood lipid levels increase significantly, whereas glucose intake does not show a similar effect on the blood. A waistline over 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women is a key indicator of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance leads to metabolic syndrome.

Studies showed that each 100 kcal intake from soft drinks increases the waist circumference by 1.1 cm. Substituting 100 kcal soft drink with 100 kcal milk decreases the waist circumference by 1.3 cm. The choice is yours.     

High sugar intake from food and beverages leads to weight gain. This is the key factor for increasing the risk of metabolic diseases. A group of problems is called metabolic syndrome. They include obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases. Sugary drinks are the easiest way to take in extra calories that can lead to weight gain. It finally results in metabolic syndrome. So the harmful effects of soft drinks on the human body are far more serious than those sweet charming beverages.

3. High sugar increases the risk of achieving cancer

Several studies have shown that high sugar spikes blood glucose levels which increase the risk of several types of cancer. These include breast cancer, colon, kidney, esophageal, endometrial, and prostate cancer. The harmful effects of soft drinks on human body exert through cancer also.

Cancer comes hand-in-hand with diseases from metabolic syndrome like type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. 

A study was conducted with over 60,000 people. It showed that 2 or more sugary drinks per week increase 87% of having pancreatic cancer among those who did not drink soda.

Women who drink lots of sugary drinks after menopause is at very high risk of endometrial cancer. The inner lining of the uterus is the endometrium. Here cancer starts.

Recurrence of cancer and death from colorectal cancer is highly associated with sugar-sweetened beverages. The harmful effects of soft drinks on human body are actually beyond our imagination.

It is estimated that almost 30% to 40% risk of all types of cancers can be reduced only by lifestyle and healthy dietary changes.

 4. ADHD of children and dementia in adults: Harmful for cognitive function

Caffeinated soft drinks contain caffeine which is a stimulant product. Its consumption between 100 mg – 400 mg leads to nervousness, jitteriness, and fidgetiness. The developing brain in children undergoes continuous pruning and myelination process. Caffeine consumption hampers these processes. The use of sodium benzoate in soft drinks leads to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Nowadays children are getting 30% of sugar regularly from soft drinks.

Both caffeine and sodium benzoate are coming from sugar-sweetened beverages. A high intake of soft drinks links with a high incidence of ADHD and low memory performance.  Children who drink carbonated beverages suffer from the harmful effects of soft drinks on human body very highly.

A 12-country study was conducted on children aged between 9-11 years. It showed children with higher consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages are associated with less sleep (< 9 hours/day).  Less sleep is detrimental to children’s motor skills, immune function, attention, daytime functioning, and academic performance. The harmful effects of soft drinks on human body especially on children should be a concern.

 5. Tooth decay

Sugary drinks are loaded with sugar. Carbonated beverages are full of phosphoric and carbonic acid. Both of these compounds directly contribute to the tooth decay process.

Acid melts the enamel of the tooth. Along with acid, sugar creates a favorable environment for bad bacteria in the mouth. Both factors increase the chance of dental caries. The harmful effects of soft drinks on human body are very high, also on dental health.

 6. Bone decay(osteoporosis)

The tangy taste of soft drinks comes from phosphoric acid. A single can of soft drink contains about 7 to 10 spoonsful of sugar. This high sugar cannot be tolerated usually. To diminish this highly sugary taste phosphoric acid is used.

Other harmful effects of soft drinks on human body include a high intake of phosphorus. High phosphorus in the blood activates the parathyroid hormone which pulls calcium out from the bone. Hence people who drink so many soft drinks, tend to lose their bone density. It ultimately leads to osteoporosis.

A high meat diet (which also contains high phosphorus) with` soft drinks intake makes the situation worst.

These people tend to break or experience fractures in bone easily. The harmful effects of soft drinks on human body may result in very painful experiences.

 7. Dementia

When our brain declines to not work properly, dementia happens. A group of declining brain functions is called dementia. The most common is Alzheimer’s disease. Research showed that high blood sugar is strongly associated with an increased risk of dementia. High doses of sugary drinks can impair memories and decision-making capacity.

 8. Risk of Gout

Gout is an inflammation and painful disease of joints, especially of big toes. High blood uric acid levels crystallize in the joints and make pain. Fructose is an important agent for blood uric acid. It undergoes phosphorylation reactions which increase the uric acid levels. But glucose from other sources of food does not give the same reactions.

Sugary drinks give a high amount of fructose. It exerts both a weight-gaining effect as well as increasing uric acid levels.

A 22-year-long study among 80,000 women found that those who drink a can of sugary drink a day had a 75% higher risk of having gout. It is very low compared with those who rarely drink any soft drink at all. The result is similar among men as well. The harmful effects of soft drinks on human body are very painful when it increases uric acid level.

 9. Mortality

The most harmful effects of soft drinks on human body are increased mortality rates at an early age. The more people drink sugary beverages, the greater the early mortality risk is. The highest mortality rate is from cardiovascular disease and the lowest is from cancer.

There is a strong association between sugar intake and cardiovascular diseases. High blood triglyceride, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and cholesterol level increase with a high intake of sugar.

A 20-year-long study was done by over 40,000 people. It reveals that those who drink at least 1 sugary drink per day had a 20% high chance of getting heart disease or dying from it.

High intake of sugary beverages increases the risk of recurrence of cancer and death from it. Sugary beverage intake can be modified and can be reduced for all-types of mortality from cancer.

Bottom line

It is well established that high sugar intake is associated with various types of diseases. The harmful effects of soft drinks on human body are very concerning. It affects a variety of classes of population all over the world. But it is a modifiable problem.

If you want to avoid health hazards, live a happy healthy life, and want to lose weight and live longer, consider to reduce soft drinks intake. Change your high sugar intake from soft drinks to water, normal tea, coffee, iced tea or coffee, homemade fruit juices, etc.  

05 Importance Of Vitamin A That Are Absolutely Lifechanging|

Importance of vitamin A

5 Top most Importance of Vitamin A In Human.


Vitamin A (retinoids) is the first of all vitamins which is required in very slight amount daily . There are lots of importance of vitamin A in our body.We will discuss them today. This vitamin refers to three preformed compounds that exhibit metabolic activity:

  1. The alcohol (retinol),
  2. The aldehyde (retinal or retinaldehyde) and
  3. The acid (retinoic acid).

Plants contain a group of chemical compounds. They are known as carotenoids. They can yield retinoids when metabolized in the body.  There are several hundred carotenoids exist in foods as antioxidants. Only a few have significant vitamin A activity. The most important of these is β-carotene. It possesses about one-sixth of vitamin A activity compared to that of retinol.

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Importance of Vitamin A

They can yield retinoids when metabolized in the body. Although several hundred carotenoids exist in foods as antioxidants, only a few have significant vitamin A activity.

The most important of these is β-carotene. It possesses about one-sixth of vitamin A activity compared to that of retinol.  

Preformed vitamin A are retinol and retinyl esters. They  are mostly present in animal foods. Such as meat, dairy products, and fish. Provitamin A is beta-carotenoid. It is mostly present in colorful fruits and vegetables. Both forms of vitamin A must be converted to retinal and retinoic acid after absorption. This is essential to support biological processes.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. So, it needs oil or fat for proper absorption in gut. If you try to remove all oils and fats from your diet, you may will face vitamin A deficiency diseases. It also requires protein to bind (Retinol binding protein-RBP). The person who lacks of protein in diet severely, may face vitamin A deficiency. It is a common menifestation in protein energy malnutrition (PEM). 

How importance of vitamin A affect human life?

Vitamin A is essential for different kinds of functions such as good eye health, enough growth and differentiation, reproduction and maintenance of epithelial cells. Hence importance of vitamin A is very wide in our life.

It is recorded in the history that Hippocrates (about 500 B.C.) cured night blindness. He prescribed to the patients ox liver (in honey),
which is now known to contain high quantity of vitamin A.

1. Prevention of Eye Health: Night blindness & Xerophthalmia

Our eye retina structure depends on vitamin A. Retina has photosensitive rods and cone cells. They sense and adapt through dim light.

So, we can see things in low light at night or in place where light is very low.

This process (dark adaptation) prevents a disease called night blindness. Previously this disease was epidemic worldwide. It is a preventable disease.

The earliest symptom of vitamin A deficiency is Night blindness (nyctalopia). The person faces difficulty to see in dim light since the dark adaptation time is increased. Prolonged deficiency damages a lot of visual cells. This change is irreversible.

Severe deficiency of vitamin A leads to xerophthalmia. It means dryness in conjunctiva and cornea of eyes, and skin roughness (keratinization of epithelial cells). In conjunctiva of our eyes, white triangular plaques form. It is known as Bitot’s spots.

If xerophthalmia is not treated for a long time, corneal ulceration and degeneration occur in the eyes. It follows the destruction of cornea. It is Keratomalacia. It causes total blindness.

Adequate intake of vitamin A is necessary for the prevention of blindness. Hence importance of vitamin A is very high for best eye health.

Diet rich in vitamin A and carotenoids along with fat is essential to prevent night blindness.

Advanced Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a disorder that is usually develops after age 50 years.

An antioxidant supplement (including beta-carotene) helps to reduce the development of AMD and vision loss and blindness. Importance of vitamin A is extreme not only in early life but also in late life also.

2. Vitamin A for Healthy Reproduction

Several studies have shown that vitamin A and its precursors are crucial for normal reproduction.

Retinol and Retinoic Acid both are necessary for normal reproduction. They act like a hormone and regulate gene expression.  Retinoic Acid (RA) actively participates in proper genetic formation of sperms in both neonatal and adult testis.

Male genital tract construction and maintenance depends on Vitamin A. The whole process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) is also dependable on adequate vitamin A in blood. 

 Thus, deficiency of vitamin A can lead to male infertility.

In female, vitamin A deficiency (VAD) reduces the egg quality.  It also affects on reproduction by impaired implantation of egg.

During pregnancy, the normal structure of fetus is dependent on vitamin A supply form mother. The organs, limbs, skin, skeleton, nervous system, hair, eyes all can develop well in the presence of vitamin A. In pregnancy period deficiency of vitamin A may result in malformation of baby. So, importance of vitamin A is very high for an optimum reproductive health.

Actually in term of fertility for both male and female importance of vitamin A is absolutely undeniable.

3.Importance of Vitamin A in Healthy Immune System

Vitamin A involves in production of glycoprotein through a series of reactions.

Glycoproteins are incredibly diverse and serve many functions in the body including cell aggregation and cell recognition.

Some provide structure e.g. Collagens, others are involved in immunity e.g. immunoglobulins (such as IgG). They produce mucins which are secreted into mucus of the respiratory and digestive tracts. These specific mucins allow mucus to serve as an effective lubricant.

The mucous barriers in human eyes, lungs, gut and genitals help trap bacteria and other infectious agents.

Glycoproteins also function as a structural component of several hormones. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is one example. This hormone involves in development, growth, puberty, and reproduction.

Vitamin A is also essential for the production and proper function of white blood cells.

They help capture and clear bacteria and other pathogens from your bloodstream.

The red blood cell recognition is possible for the presence of glycoprotein in its cell surface.

Vitamin A deficiency increases the chance of respiratory and diarrheal infections.

The skin becomes rough and dry. Keratinization of epithelial cells of gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and respiratory tract is very common. This leads to increased bacterial infection.

Vitamin A deficiency  also leads to the formation of urinary stones.

Thus vitamin A deficiency reduces the quality of healthy immune system.

The mortality rate is high in vitamin A deficient Infants, young children and pregnant women. Particularly In populations where vitamin A availability from food is low.

The importance of vitamin A is very wide in maintaining our health.

4. Importance of Vitamin A in Cancer And Chronic Diseases Prevention.

Vitamin A play a crucial role in regulating the differentiation and proliferation of epithelial cells. They are potent inducers of programmed cell death that are beyond repair (apoptosis).

The carcinogen-induced damage to DNA of regulatory genes causes the development of cancers. Most of the results from experimental studies indicate that retinoids are effective in preventing or suppressing cancers. 

Carotenoids has highly reactive conjugated double bonds. They act as free radical traps or antioxidants. In this way they play an important role in the prevention of  cancers. Among all carotenoids, beta-carotene is most strong antioxidant. They are mainly found in all fruits and vegetables specially in colored ones.

Higher vegetables and fruits in daily food habit lowers the risk of several cancers. It is also very beneficial to prevent heart diseases.

It is also the importance of vitamin A to prevent heart diseases.

Lower dietary vitamin A intake results in a higher risk to develop cancer.

Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables is proved that it helps to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Specially cancer is strongly prevented with regular intake of vitamin A and beta-carotene. Particularly the cancer of the esophagus, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, stomach, colon, and rectum. In case of prevention of all kinds of cancers importance of vitamin A is utmost high.

5. Other Health Benefits of Vitamin A

Although vitamin D, calcium and protein are the key nutrients in growth and maintenance of bone health. But vitamin A is also needed to maintain a healthy bone structure.

Lower blood levels of vitamin A increases the risk of bone fractures.  The people with healthy levels of vitamin A are in lower risk of bone fractures.Along with all other health benefits importance of vitamin A is also high in case of good bone health.

Vitamin A Toxicity

The importance of vitamin A in our life is vey high. This vitamin is fat soluble so we cannot excrete it through urine. So, we have to be aware of vitamin A toxicity.

Excessive consumption of vitamin A leads to toxicity. The symptoms of hypervitaminosis A include

  • dermatitis raised intracranial tension,
  • enlargement of liver,
  • skeletal decalcification,
  • tenderness of long bones,
  • loss of weight,
  • irritability,
  • loss of hair,
  • joint pains etc.

Elderly people are more prone to vitamin A toxicity. So overdoses must be avoided.  

Total serum vitamin A level (normal 20–50 micro g/dl) is elevated in hypervitaminosis A. Higher concentration of retinol increases the

synthesis of lysosomal hydrolases. The manifestations of hypervitaminosis A are attributed to the destructive action on the cell membranes. Importance of vitamin A level maintaining is high to prevent toxicity.

Food Sources

Food mcg RAE
per serving
Beef liver, 3 ounces 6,582 731
Sweet potato, 1 whole 1,403 156
Spinach, boiled, ½ cup 573 64
Pumpkin pie, packed, 1 piece 488 54
Carrots, raw, ½ cup 459 51
Herring, Atlantic, pickled, 3 ounces 219 24
Ice cream, French vanilla, soft serve, ⅔ cup 185 21
Milk, skim, with added vitamin A and vitamin D, 1 cup 149 17

Cheese, partly skimmed, ½ cup

133 15
Peppers, sweet, red, raw, ½ cup 117 13
Mangoes, raw, 1 whole 112 12
Breakfast cereals, fortified with 10% of the DV for vitamin A, 1 serving 90 10
Egg, hard boiled, 1 large 75 8
Black-eyed peas (cowpeas), boiled, 1 cup 66 7
Apricots, dried, sulfured, 5 apricots 63 7
Broccoli, boiled, ½ cup 60 7
Salmon, cooked, 3 ounces 59 7
Tomato juice, ¾ cup 42 5
Yogurt, low fat, 1 cup 32 4
Tuna, light, canned in oil, drained solids, 3 ounces 20 2
beans, canned, plain or vegetarian, 1 cup 13 1
squash, boiled, ½ cup 10 1
Chicken, breast meat, roasted, ½ breast 5 1
Pistachio nuts, dry roasted, 1 ounce 4 0
*DV = Daily Value.

The DV for vitamin A is 900 mcg RAE for adult requirement and children of 4 years and older.

  • 1 mcg RAE = 1 mcg retinol,
  • 2 mcg beta-carotene from supplements,
  • 12 mcg beta-carotene from foods,
  • 24 mcg alpha-carotene,
  • or 24 mcg beta-cryptoxanthin.

Foods those contain 20% or more of the DV of vitamin A are considered to be high sources of a nutrient. But the foods containing lower percentages of the DV also contribute to a healthful diet.

Final Thoughts

We may take vitamin A and carotenoids from foods regularly; we need to keep in mind that this vitamin needs a carrier to proper absorption and use in our body. Most important carriers are fats and oils and protein. Here first-class protein is the primary choice, even second-class protein may help. So, our diet must be rich in all kinds of foods that can meet our each type of nutritional needs.   


Cashew nuts Benefits

anacardium, cashew, cashew nuts-3523449.jpg

Among all kinds of nuts cashew nut is very popular one. Cashews are low in Omega-3 fatty acids, but rich in omega-9 fatty acids. They are a good source of protein, iron, magnesium and other minerals. Cashews are lower in fat than many nuts and somewhat higher in carbohydrates. The omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cahew is 0.11 while it is recommended below 10 by World Health Organization(WHO).

It contains higher amounts of selenium and vitamin E which are anti-oxidants by nature. They reduce the free radical oxidation process, so that they can act as strong anti-cancerous agents.


Cashew has rich amount of iron and zinc. It has protein also. Those who are vegan, they can incorporate cashew as a source of protein in their diet. Its calcium and magnesium content increases the cognitive capacity as well as increases blood HDL and decreases LDL level. But in case of reducing weight and diabetes control, cashew has no significant function.

One serving (approx. 17 no) of cashew contains:

Energy: 155 Kcal

Fat: 12 gm

Protein: 5 gm

Carbohydrate: 9 gm

Fiber: 1 gm

Vitamin E: 1% (RDI)

Magnesium: 20% (RDI)

Several studies say that cashew can reduce symptoms of metabolic syndrome.Its magnesium and calcium can play a significant role in our proper bone metabolism,so that it can help us to prevent osteoporosis and osteomalasia.

Carrot Nutrition:

Baby carrots

There are so many types of vegetables in the market. In winter season carrot is available in market abundantly. Colorful vegetable means a lot of vitamins and minerals. Today we will go to discuss about carrot’s nutritional values.

A 7.5-inch-long carrot contains about-

Energy 72 kcal

Fat 68 gm

Protein negligible

Sodium 233 mg

Potassium 51 mg

Calcium 32 mg

Phosphorus 24 mg

Iron 10 mg

Beta-Carotin 20,253 micro gm

Carrot also contains Thiamin, Riboflavin, Pyridoxin, Cyanocobalamin, Pantothenic acid and vitamin K. So only one carrot can provide so many of our required nutrients in an instance. Let’s see what other things a carrot can do.

Eye sight:

Carrots super power is it can help us in maintaining a very good health of our eye sight. It helps us to prevent so many kinds of eye problems such as Xerophthalmia, Night blindness, Cataract etc. Carrot contains Lutein which reduces the chance of blurry eye sight with age. With increasing age, it is becoming hard to read and write without glasses. One carrot daily can help you to reduce the problem.  

To Prevent Cancer:

Carrot contains carotenoids and anthocyanin. Both of them causes the color of carrot. They act as anti-cancer agent. So include a carrot in your daily food habit, it will help you to prevent cancer.

Heart Health:

Carrots anti oxidents are very useful to prevent heart diseases. Hypertensive people can eat a carrot to prevent getting high pressure as it contains a good amount of potassium. Potassium helps to control the high pressure.

Bowel health:

Carrot contains a good amount of fiber. Fiber is very helpful for a regular bowel movement. A carrot can help you if you have constipation issues and can prevent Piles and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Bone Health:

Vitamin K and calcium both are required for a good bone metabolism. Both of them are present in carrot. So they can help us to maintain a good bone also.

Anti-aging property:

There are so many kinds of anti-aging cosmetics in market. We rush for them regularly. Do you know carrot itself is an anti-aging food? If you are concerned about your aging and look, you easily can incorporate one carrot in your daily diet.

We can take carrot both in raw and cooked form. But it is much better to take it in raw form so that the vitamins can remain intact. Diabetic patients can take carrot in small amount daily. But renal patients should have to cautious about carrot intake because it contains potassium. All other people can take carrot daily without any problem.

Be happy, be healthy.